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Privacy Policy:

Website Identity:
Our website is located at

To combat spam, we record a visitor’s IP address and web browser user agent string when they leave comments on our site. The Gravatar service may receive an encrypted string generated from your email address to determine if you are using it. Your profile image becomes publicly visible once your comment is approved.

If you upload images to the website, avoid including embedded location data (EXIF GPS). Visitors can download and extract location data from such images.

When you leave a comment, you may opt-in to save your name, email address, and website in cookies. These cookies last for one year, providing convenience for future comments. A temporary cookie is set on the login page to determine your browser’s acceptance of cookies. It contains no personal data and is discarded when you close your browser.

Upon login, several cookies save your login information and screen display choices. Login cookies last for two days, screen options cookies last for a year, and selecting “Remember Me” retains your login for two weeks. Logging out removes the login cookies. Editing or publishing an article sets an additional cookie with the post ID, expiring after 1 day.

Embedded Content:
Articles may contain embedded content (videos, images) behaving like visits to other websites. These sites may collect data, use cookies, and track interactions, including your logged-in interactions.

Data Sharing:
If you request a password reset, your IP address will be included in the reset email.

Data Retention:
Comments and metadata are retained indefinitely for recognizing and approving follow-up comments automatically. Registered user profiles store personal information, accessible, editable, or deletable by users and administrators.

Rights Over Your Data:
Account holders or commenters can request an exported file of their personal data or request its erasure, excluding data obligated for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Data Transmission:
Visitor comments may undergo automated spam detection services.

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